As The Page Turns

Two thousand and seventeen has started with a bang at the Osborne Public Library. This includes new programs and policies.
Brainy Babies – The library started the 2017 year off with a partnership with the Post Rock Extension and offered a new program called Brainy Babies. This program is for infants through age 3 and their parents. There are 30 families signed up for this Thursday night program. Join us on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 5:30 for a book, fun learning activity and some super playtime.
Arty Party – This program was held on the 30th of January. This was a public viewing of the art the kids had made in their January programs as they learned about the oceans. This fun event was attended by children and their parents/grandparents.
New Community Room Policy - The Board of Trustees of the Osborne Public Library has made some changes to the community room policy that will take effect January 1, 2017. Non-profit organizations will continue to use the room for free. Parties such as birthday, anniversary, graduation, showers and such will be charged $10. Commercial or for profit events will be charged $25. These changes are being implemented to cover the expenses of increased room use. Call the library to schedule an event and the staff will give you the updated information.
Book of the Month – The discussion group just finished with “The Tipping Point” by Malcom Gladwell. The book of the month for February is “The Chaperone” by Laura Moriarty. Laura is a Kansas author. Join us for our discussion on February 23rd. If you would like to read the book, contact the library staff and they will get a copy for you.
New Books - Remember, if you don’t see these books or another one that you might want on the shelf, ask a staff member to put a hold on the book and we can get it in from another library for you.
Below the Belt by Stuart Woods
The Mistress by Danielle Steel
Because You’re Mine by Colleen Coble
Expecting to Die by Lisa Jackson
Never Never by James Patterson
The Nowhere Man by Gregg Hurwitz