As The Page Turns - October 2017
Programs In Full Swing – All of the children’s programs are in full swing now. We have a new Story Hour leader on Friday mornings. Susan Miller is doing the programs for the 3-5 year olds. There are 41 kids enrolled in this age group.
On Mondays After Class (MAC) we have the 4th – 6th grade kids in the library for programs. These kids work on STEAM projects. We have 24 enrolled in this age group.
Then our Wednesday After Class (WAC) program has 60 Kindergarten through 3rd grades kids enrolled. They are a busy group of kids.
Our final program is a family program geared towards parents and their children birth to age 3. This program is called Sprouts. We have 16 families signed up for this program.
William Allen White Awards – 9 youth from the Osborne Elementary, grades 4 – 6 were selected to attend the William Allen White Awards in Emporia. This ceremony honors authors from a selected reading list for Kansas children in grades 3-8. The youth read books from the lists and turned in short book reports to the library to qualify to attend.
Library Updates – The library is happy to show off the latest addition to the library. An art table, art books and supplies were given to the library in memory of Bobi Jarrett. The kids love sitting and drawing and coloring. The library is also fortunate to get to have some of Bobi’s artwork on display.
Movie Night – On September 19th we will show our last outdoor movie for the 2017 year. The movie E.T. will be shown with it beginning around 7:00pm. Dress warmly, bring a chair and a blanket and join us on the south side of the library.
McFadden Tree Forest – The library is getting ready for the McFadden Tree Forest again this year. Trees and wreaths will be voted on with items for the Osborne Food Pantry. The library took over 1000 items to the food pantry in 2016. Be looking for more information on this event later in the month. If you know you want to participate, please contact the library.
Book of the Month – The book of the month for October is “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls. If you would like to read this before our discussion on the 26th of the month, contact the library to get a copy. The book discussion will begin at 5:30. The book for November is “A Dog Named Christmas” by Greg Kincaid.
Our hours are, M & Th – 10-7, Tu, W, F – 10-5 and Sat. 10-2. The library is closed on Sundays.
The online card catalog can be accessed from our website, or at
The library is a wireless hotspot. This service is provided by Nex-Tech.